Have you ever wondered about combining elements together and producing a new product as a result but never got a chance to do so? The crafting game Little Alchemy is a solution in which you can produce new elements just by four basic elements; air, earth, fire, and water.
Humans have used Metal for thousands of years, and it has been an essential part of daily life. There are many applications for it, and if we look attentively, we will see Metal everywhere. In reality, metal-based objects are always evident around us.
But the question arises how to make this valuable item in little alchemy 2? No need to worry; we got you covered! In this guide, you will find everything about how to make Metal in little alchemy 2.
How To Make Metal In Little Alchemy 2?
You probably already know that Little Alchemy 2 has the unique function of allowing players to combine four basic elements to create the most incredible elements.
Without knowing that metals are often found embedded in natural materials like stones and rocks rather than in a freestanding or free-state form, you cannot create the Metal element in the game.

In Little Alchemy 2, there are many methods to obtain Metal, although some of them may be easier and quicker than others.
Create a Mineral Base: some stones are formed due to pressure against the earth and when organic materials and mineral particles become cemented together. As a result, by exerting pressure, you will create Stone.
- Air + Air = Pressure
- Pressure + Earth = Stone
Melt metals found within the Stone: Smelting is a precise, labor-intensive process that might take hours. But guess what? In this game, this process is simple.
- Fire + Stone = Metal
If heat is unavailable, you can carry out these steps
- Fire + Fire = Energy
- Energy + Air = Heat
Alternative Ways to Make Metal: Ore elements can also be used to make Metal. If you don’t have ore, you need a hammer element which can only be collected by a tool element.
- Earth + Water = Mud
- Mud + Stone = Clay
- Water + Water = Puddle
- Puddle + Puddle = Pond
- Pond + Pond = Lake
- Lake + Lake = Sea
- Earth + Sea = Primordial Soup
- Fire + Fire = Energy
- Primordial Soup + Energy = Life
- Clay + Life = Human
- Human + Stone = Tool
- Tool + Stone = Hammer
Ore combined with elements will produce Metal.
- Ore + Fire = Metal
- Ore + Heat = Metal
- Ore + Tool = Metal
Why Is Metal Beneficial In Little Alchemy 2?
In order to build better shelters and transition from primarily being hunter-gatherers and hunters to farmers and ranchers, humans also employed metals to create equipment like hammers, pitchforks, and farm machinery in which Metal was being used.
These new metals were strong, rust-proof, and malleable, which allowed alloys to withstand moisture exposure and time for longer periods of time without experiencing the same level of deterioration as natural metals.
Other commonly accepted amenities like light bulbs, boilers, fire extinguishers, freezers, cars, trains, and even airplanes.
Similarly, in little alchemy 2, By mixing Metal with other components is like a legendary item. You can find all kinds of amazing things by merging metal-related components with other elements.
What Can You Make With Metal In Little Alchemy 2?
Many fascinating elements can be created utilizing Metal.
- Metal + Air = Rust
- Metal + Oxygen = Rust
- Metal + Liquid = Quicksilver
- Metal + Alchemist = Gold
- Metal + Butter = Gold
- Metal + Rainbow = Gold
- Metal + Sand = Gold
- Metal + Sun = Gold
- Metal + Diamond = Ring
- Metal + Love = Ring
- Metal + Gold = Safe
- Metal + Money = Safe
- Metal + Human = Tool
- Metal + Wood = Tool
- Metal + Tool = Hammer
- Metal + Hammer = Bell
- Metal + Sound = Bell
- Metal + Ash = Steel
- Metal + Charcoal = Steel
- Metal + Coal = Steel
- Metal + Mineral = Steel
- Metal + Hay = Pitchfork
- Metal + Horse = Horseshoe
- Metal + Earth = Plow
- Metal + Field = Plow
- Metal + River = Bridge
- Metal + Stream = Bridge
- Metal + Lightning = Electricity
- Metal + Electricity = Wire
- Metal + Wire = Chain
- Metal + Rope = Chain & Wire
- Metal + Light Bulb = Lamp
- Metal + Light = Gold & Spotlight
- Metal + Thread = Needle
- Metal + Wool = Steel Wool
- Metal + Pressure = Boiler
- Metal + Steam = Boiler
- Metal + Carbon Dioxide = Fire Extinguisher
- Metal + Cold = Fridge
- Metal + Ice = Fridge
- Metal + Glass = Glasses & Mirror
- Metal + Campfire = BBQ
- Metal + Letter = Mailbox
- Metal + Mailman = Mailbox
- Metal + Motion = Wheel
- Metal + Wheel = Car
- Metal + Car = Tank
- Metal + Bicycle = Motorcycle
- Metal + Steam Engine = Train
- Metal + Bat = Airplane
- Metal + Bird = Airplane
- Metal + Crow = Airplane
- Metal + Duck = Airplane
- Metal + Eagle = Airplane
- Metal + Hummingbird = Airplane
- Metal + Owl = Airplane
- Metal + Pigeon = Airplane
- Metal + Seagull = Airplane
- Metal + Vulture = Airplane
- Metal + Golem = Robot
- Metal + Life = Robot
- Metal + Atmosphere = Rocket
- Metal + Space = Spaceship
- Metal + Fabric = Armor
- Metal + Rock = Blade
- Metal + Stone = Blade
- Metal + Star = Shuriken
- Metal + Blade = Sword
- Metal + Bow = Gun
- Metal + Bullet = Gun
- Metal + Gunpowder = Bullet
- Metal + Explosion = Grenade
- Metal + Fox = Cage
- Metal + Lion = Cage
- Metal + Wolf = Cage
- Metal + Cheese = Mousetrap
- Metal + Witch = Cauldron
- Metal + Deity = Vulcan
Final Verdict:
Little Alchemy 2 lends itself well to a variety of topics, although it is not intended to impart any particular knowledge on any of them.
Even though the combinations of the elements are frequently not scientifically accurate, they would be a good place to start when comparing the simplification of the game with how what is portrayed in it—or actual elements—do combine scientifically.
Players will do better in this game if they have a sense of humor, critical thinking skills, and innovation. Students’ persistence and lateral thinking will be examined.