Insurgency Sandstorm is an immersive tactical shooter that embraced realism and strategic gameplay, which is not familiar in most FPS shooters these days. Name some of the most prominent esports titles right now CSGO, Valorant, and Rainbow Six Siege.
These games come to mind, and even though they are great games, they can really use some tactical realism. Hardcore is the word that I would use to define insurgency sandstorm
The gameplay is tough and for newer players, it is advised that you stay calm and do not panic. There is no crosshair on the screen, there are no indicators if you kill someone in-game, everything comes down to your game sense and how observant you are.
The intensity can be unbearable sometimes and I dig that, that’s the kind of game I love to play that gets your heart racing.
This is not the first game in the franchise and you can get the idea after looking at the gameplay, it feels polished and more disciplined. Graphics are also visually enhanced and the best part? Sound design.
Every time you shoot your weapon it feels so real and authentic like you are holding a weapon in your hands instead of an input controller.
It does add to the realism of the game and gets you on your feet. I have to praise the vision that the developers aimed for ( no pun intended ). I can’t get enough of the riveting and intense game-play
Now on to the real question, is Insurgency Sandstorm cross platform? Being a PvP multiplayer shooter, you can bring your friends along with you so crossplay pretty much becomes the need here.
Not everyone has the same setup, not everyone owns the same consoles. Crossplay eliminates issues like these like it’s no big deal. Let’s find out going further
Is Insurgency: Sandstorm Cross Platform / Crossplay In 2023?
Insurgency Sandstrom was initially released on PC in 2018 and gradually after enough testing, developers ported it to consoles. PS5 and Xbox series X/S are the last consoles to receive insurgency sandstorm officially.
Available on major consoles and PC, it would be a crime if it didn’t have crossplay and yes, insurgency Sandstrom lacks crossplay benefits. The only form of crossplay that exists in this game is limited to the same consoles. PS4/PS5 and Xbox One/Xbox Series X/S
Crossplay is something that should be featured in every newer title. Even for older titles, Developers should update them accordingly with cross platform play. Multiplayer games are being so popular right now, that millions of players spend millions of hours on daily basis.

You are looking forward to playing with your friends but you are on PC and they are using consoles? Too bad you are limited to your own devices because crossplay isn’t here.
Multiplayer games work better if you are playing with someone who has no trouble communicating with you or they are comfortable playing with you because next comes teamwork which is the key to winning every multiplayer game.
You are unable to play with your friends and every day you queue up with someone new, it’s going to be hard to maintain a good team and rework all strategies with new strangers every day.
Developers are usually hand-tied when it comes to crossplay. Those issues may not be transparent to average players but developers have to deal with a lot of technical problems backstage.

Introducing dedicated servers for crossplay for a High graphically demanding game like Insurgency Insurgency can be a tall order.
And then comes the licensing issues, where consoles manufacturers can demand fees from developers if they are willing to introduce crossplay.
Most console brands prefer exclusivity so they can provide rewards and exclusive loot to their fanbase. Crossplay defeats their purpose entirely.
Hopefully, in the future, there is an update waiting for us in the shadows waiting for the right moment to reveal itself.
Will The PC DLCs Be Released On Consoles?
This is coming from the official words of developers, PC DLCs will be available for release on consoles very soon. The date hasn’t been set yet but the fact that we got a confirmation is enough to be hyped right now.
Insurgency sandstorm players who own the Gold edition will get access to new DLCs and other exciting content.
On consoles, there is no confirmation of release date but to be prepared, buy a Gold edition pass so when DLCs arrive you get access to brand new cosmetics and loot.
Deluxe edition only grants you access to Year 1 content while the ongoing Year 2 content is exclusive to Gold edition owners.
Final Verdict:
I hope that this article has cleared all your doubts about the Insurgency sandstorm and its availability for crossplay. And if you were looking for purchasing this game before, now you can make a better decision on what console you want to purchase.
It is an amazing shooter that has an active player base, and the inclusion of crossplay for the same consoles definitely helped. It is a good initiative on part of developers and here is to hoping that in the future, we see more examples of crossplay between PC and Consoles.
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