Destiny 2 was released in 2017 and developed by Bungie. At first, Destiny 2 was only available on consoles, but in a month, the PC version was released. It is a free-to-play online RPG that includes elements like an Open-world game and Mythical fantasy.
Set in the universe where the earth is destroyed by unknown darkness. Destiny 2 follows guardians, the Lightspawn, who rose from the dead after the global wipeout.
Your character starts his journey as a guardian who takes the light and uses it as a weapon against darkness. It is an interesting story, filled with lore and Co-op campaigns that push the narrative each season further.
Furthermore, you can also participate in PvP activities against other guardians as part of your training. The real fun starts in the PvE, where you face the darkness and its foes.
Destiny 2 is popular for its endgame PvE structure that includes 6-man Raids, 3-man Dungeons, strikes, the infamous gambit, and Grandmaster nightfall which is the ultimate source of loot and exotic currency.
But the question remains unanswered, Is Destiny 2 Cross platform?
Because as you know, Cross-play is like a gift for gamers. The way crossplay works is that it removes all the restrictions and barriers between gaming platforms. So, in the end, everyone is invited to play in a single lobby.
Pc players can join Consoles and Vice versa. And Destiny 2 is rich with PvE Co-Op content. Playing with friends is a must, but if they are on different platforms, it could become an issue. Let’s find out, shall we?
Is Destiny 2 Cross Platform / Crossplay In 2023?
Destiny 2 gameplay is fantastic, what can you expect from a game where you roleplay as an immortal space wizard, Strong Titan, and Sneaky Hunter. And the good news is, It is 100% Crossplay enabled.
This was not the case before, but last year when the season of the lost was introduced, Bungie introduced crossplay, and the reaction from fans was as expected. They were joyous at the announcement, and now, you can pretty much see the console, Stadia, and PC players in the tower.
Although late, Bringing crossplay was a brilliant decision in this game and for players, doing hardcore endgame activities are now relatively easier. It is also a free-to-play multiplayer title, although there is a lot of content behind the DLCs paywall.

You have access to non-DLC activities. You can always choose to spend money later, and this time, you can choose your console of choice to download.
Crossplay gives you the freedom to play on any platform without worrying about your friends or other players. there is no one stopping you to mow down the cunning Hive Witch Queen
The benefits of crossplay are noticeable, and you can’t deny them. People enjoy lower queue times and much better community support, especially in LFG ( Looking for the game) groups, you can now find thousands of players, advertising, and finding teammates. You can always go there for help.
But if we talk about the cons, there isn’t much except that in PvP activities, console players might be at a disadvantage playing against PC players.
Also, there are no separate lobbies for console players. If there is one PC user in your lobby, the game will automatically pair up against mixed platforms.

Overall, the effort from Bungie was praised, and Destiny 2 became more user-friendly for new players. Accessibility is no issue, and everyone is allowed to play in the same lobby.
You can spot a lot of console users roaming around the tower space area and even find those rare stadia users in the mix once in a while.
Bungie is probably making a lot of dough from those eververse store items now as more players are joining the community. Those items are purchasable from silver that requires real currency to acquire
Witch Queen alone sold more than one million copies on just pre-orders, so it’s safe to say that their strategy worked.
How To Add Friends For Crossplay In-Game?
So you have decided to play with other players on the console and are looking forward to crossplay. The first thing you need to do is to add them to your friend’s list. It’s a simple process.
You need an in-game profile name with 4 digit identifier code. Everyone has one, you have got yours that you can see on your screen as you arrive at the character selection screen.
To add other people, go to the roster menu and look at the bottom right columns. You will see some icons, and the one you are looking for is the envelope one.
Click on that, and you can see a search bar where you can insert your friend’s name with four digits code at the end. If it’s correct, then you will find your friend in no time.
All that is left to do is to add them to your friend list. Once they are in, click on their name and select invite to fireteam. Anyone can join you as long as you have enabled crossplay matchmaking from the settings tab.
How To Add Friends For Crossplay On Bungie.net?
Alternatively, you can visit the Bungie website and find friends there. Long onto bungie.net website using your platform. After you are signed in, all you have to do is to sync your account. To do this, click on the import friends button that is right in front of your screen.
By doing this, you can access your friends from any platform and add them to your roster. They will easily transfer to your account, and you can then decide who stays friend and who is getting removed. It’s up to you.
Final Verdict:
Bungie’s decision came late and way years after the release of Destiny 2, but no complaints here, they delivered crossplay, and this is what everyone was asking for a long time.
Now I can join my console friends on this grand space magic adventure across galaxies without worrying about the incompatibility of platforms. And for folks who are not fans of this decision, they have the option to disable crossplay without any problem.
Destiny 2 is a fun experience, and for players who are looking forward to FPS shooters, this game is perfect. you have grand battles against the biggest bosses, exotic loot, and one of the sweatiest PvP modes that I actively avoid (i am bad)
it’s free, it’s fun, and the best thing about it is that crossplay is available for everyone.
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