Is Overwatch Cross Platform? (PC, Xbox, PS5, Switch)

Cover of Is Overwatch Cross Platform

Overwatch is a 6v6 multiplayer FPS shooter released back in 2016 by Blizzard entertainment. Set in a futuristic world, the game heavily maps objective-based, where teammates have to coordinate and work with each other to conquer the opposing team.

Several characters are available to play with unique abilities that can overturn the course of a single match if used right. It is no surprise that this game swept the whole world upon release, with millions of players and streamers still playing it to this day.

With a game this huge in popularity, it’s only possible that Overwatch features crossplay since there are so many players playing. If you are not sure about that, then keep following this article till the end.

Is Overwatch Cross Platform?

Well, The short answer is. Yes, it does features crossplay. Although it wasn’t available at launch until recently in 2021 when all 4 versions of this game (PC, Playstation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch) merged, and the cross-play was made available for all players.

The crossplay beta banner of overwatch

With the growing popularity of games like call of duty, Fortnite, and apex legends, this update was inevitable. It has to be done sooner or later, especially with the overwatch fanbase demanding this for quite some time.

Players would need to sign into the account and link their existing accounts to enjoy crossplay.

PC players don’t need to do this as they are already signed into client, but console and switch users need to make one account and link their existing Overwatch to before they launch their game.

How To Enable Crossplay In Overwatch

Crossplay in Overwatch is enabled for PC players by default, and unfortunately, there is no option for PC users to toggle out crossplay.

Console and switch can toggle out crossplay from settings, but then the match-making pool will be restricted to only console players, and this could hurt queue times.

As PC players are already logged into the account, console players will be required to create an account on the website even if they don’t want to queue up against other platform users

How Crossplay Works In Overwatch?

Overwatch offers several playlist modes, and crossplay is enabled in all of them except the competitive mode where players will join the same platform players. PC players can’t go against console players and vice versa.

image a person playing overwatch
@Florian Olivo

There is a significant skill gap between PC players and Console players, so this could be the primary concern of this decision. Skill issue is something that should be balanced out to have a fair and equal skillset in matches.

Even in casual game modes like quick play, console players will be matched against other console players by default.

They have to manually enable cross-play for this cross-platform queue. The competitive queue remains restricted for PC and console players, and there is no chance for crossplay in higher ranking game modes anytime soon.

How To Link Console And Accounts?

Since crossplay was introduced, it is now mandatory for everyone to make an account on and link it with your existing overwatch account. As I mentioned above, Pc players won’t need to worry about this its only for non PC players.

They already own a account if they are playing Overwatch. For console players, visit and create a new account.

It’s for free, and once you are done, go to the account settings and look for the connections option. In there, you will link your console to your newly created account.

Image of connections of other consoles on blizzard

Now that your account has been created, it’s time for step 2. Upon launching the game, you will be greeted with a confirmation button on the screen. Confirm it and enter the numeric code you see on your screen on the blizzard website.

After this, the final step requires you to sign in to your account and confirm the credentials that you have linked your console account with your account. After this, you will receive a notification in-game that confirms crossplay is active and you are ready to go.

Final Verdict:

Overwatch is still played by millions of players nowadays. It is a fun game that offers team-based objectives to work against opponents, and with its catchy, vibrant, cartoonish art style, it is no surprise that this game is still a mega-hit to this day.

The introduction of crossplay made the experience even better. Overwatch is crossplay available to this day and lets us hope that the developer can remove even more limitations so players can fully enjoy this game to its potential.

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Muhammad Hamza
Muhammad Hamza

Enthusiastic about gaming and PC hardware, he found his gateway to the gaming world when he was young and first experienced the open world of Grand Theft Auto. Since then he has developed a strong love for gaming.

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