Elden Ring has to be my favorite video game in a long, long time. For the longest time, I was under the impression that Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is the best FromSoftware game, and then Elden Ring came out, and my opinion changed almost entirely.
Elden Ring takes the best of all FromSoftware games of the most and makes something that is totally different and unique, and the experience alone is something that is going to make you want to keep coming back to the game again and again.
With that said, there is a lot to uncover about the game, and today we are talking about Ghost Gloveworts.
For those wondering, Ghost Glovewrote is a useful resource that you can go ahead and use if you are looking to be certain of getting your hands on some solid spirits upgraded. The higher level will allow you to go ahead and upgrade your spirits.
However, much like the higher-end resources, the Ghost Gloveworts levels 7, 8, and 9 are often hard to come by, and we are going to find out how you can get your hands on this resource.
How To Get Ghost Glovewort 7, 8, And 9 In Elden Ring
Now, considering how the massive world of Elden Ring is as ripe for taking as it is dangerous, it can be an overwhelming task to get your hands on the right resources.
I would know as I spent countless hours trying to get my hands on the relevant resources, and I cannot even recall just how many angry monsters tried killing me even when I was just minding my own business.
I’ll warn you in advance that the same will happen to you, you just have to be sure you are prepared. With that said, we are now going to look at just how you can get your hands on Ghost Glovewort 7, 8, and 9 in Elden Ring.
1: How to Get Ghost Glovewort 7 in Elden Ring
To make things easier, we are going to list down the locations for Ghost Glovewort 7, and then we will continue to higher levels. The purpose here is simple, we want to be sure that you do not get confused getting your hands on the resources.
- Uhl Palace Ruins: Although pretty, this place is as dangerous as it can get, and if you are looking for Ghost Glovewort 7 here, then you will need to look for the two giant statues that can be found at the entrance of the ruins located towards North.

- Ainsel River Main: You will be finding Malformed Star, a scary-looking enemy. But the Ghost Glovewort 7 is located right behind it, on the right to the ruins once you pass the Malformed Star.

- Deeproot Depths: If you think that the name sounds unforgiving, then it is. You can find Ghost Glovewort 7 close to the northwestern region. However, you will have to go past the Crucible Knight Siluria. So, best of luck.

- Nokstella: This is another pretty location in the game, and yes, pretty deadly, too. You can find the Ghost Glovewort at the base of the waterfall.

- Elphael, Brace of Haligtree: First of all, congratulations that you have made it this far. Secondly, best of luck, because what awaits you is not easy. However, you can find the Ghost Glovewort among the graves that you can find in the northeastern graveyard. You can check the western part of it and you will find one there, too.

2: How to Get Ghost Glovewort 8 in Elden Ring
If you thought that the locations for the Ghost Glovewort 7 were difficult, wait till you see the ones that are waiting for you as you head toward the Ghost Glovewort 8. So, let’s not waste more time and have a look, shall we?
- Mohgwyn Palace: The best thing about Mohgwyn Palace is that is an optional area, especially if you are not looking to go for 100%, but if you do go there, it is a torturous area with one of the most challenging bosses. If you want the Ghost Glovewort 8 here, go to the Palace Approach Ledge site of grace, this is near the entrance to a small cave that you can find towards the eastern wall.

- Elphawel, Brace of Haligtree: I have already talked about this area, but you can go to the Northeastern graveyard and then go to the southern part of the graveyard.

3: How to Get Ghost Glovewort 9 in Elden Ring
Now coming to the Ghost Glovewort 9, as the level suggests on this, it will not be easy to come across, but that does not mean that we are just going to overlook it to begin with. If you are looking to find this Ghost Glovewort, you can do so at the following locations.
- Ainsel River Main: Since you are already familiar with the dangers that this place possesses, you can go ahead and go to the eastern side of the Waterfall Basin site of grace.

- Elphael, Brace of Haligtree: Again, an unforgiving place. But if you want your hands on the Ghost Glovewort 9, just go to the western side of the northwestern graveyard, and you will find it there.

- Lake of Rot: Lake of Rot is as unforgiving as it sounds because this area will kill you just for entering it. You can find the Ghost Glovewort close to the Grand Cloister Site of Grace.

- Ordina, Liturgical Town: One of the mandatory areas if you want to go to the Haligtree, you will only find the Ghost Glovewort 9 here as a drop, and that too, for killing the Black Knife Assassin.

Buying the Ghost Glovewort from Twin Maiden Husks
If you are done farming the Ghost Glovewort, you can still go to Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold to get access to some offerings.

However, you will need to give her the Ghost-Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing (3), and you can find that in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree in the graveyard to the north ease.
Once you offer the bell bearings to the Twin Maiden Husks, you will be able to go ahead and get your hands on the Ghost Glovewort from her.
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Final Verdict:
The world of Elden Ring is just as beautiful as it is unforgiving but it is not a bad thing by any means. There is a special type of cruelty to the game and if I am saying something about it, I’d say that it teaches you a lot of patience and discipline when you are going forward.
Unlike other games, Elden Ring does not spoon feed you anything. Instead, it puts you in a world of wilderness that is filled to brim with monsters who are out there doing exactly what you are—surviving and that is what makes Elden Ring such a treat to explore.
This article highlights all the locations of the high-level Ghost Glovewort. For the more affordable ,lower level ones, you can find them almost everywhere and that too, with ease.