Fruit sounds like a basic natural food you can find by just stepping into the nearest grocery store and giving some money in exchange. However, when we zoom out and look at the grand scheme of things, you would realize that something as basic as Fruit takes a lot of resources and time to get into our hands.
You start by seeding an entire plot of Land, which is then watered and taken care of until it grows into a tree. Then that Tree is nurtured all year round, so when the season rolls around, you cut off that Fruit and sell it to someone who packages it so it can be sold in grocery stores worldwide.
Making us realize this is the genius of Little Alchemy 2, which is why making it in this game requires that you do follow a few extra steps. So here is how to make Fruit In Little Alchemy 2, which will teach you how to do it step-by-step.
How To Make Fruit In Little Alchemy 2

These are the combinations that are going to give you Fruit.
- Farmer and Orchard combine to make Fruit.
- Farmer and Tree combine to make Fruit.
- Flowers and Rain combine to make Fruit.
- Flowers and time make Fruit.
- Flowers and Trees combine to make Fruit.
- Flowers and water combine to make Fruit.
I will use the Flower and Water combination to explain the making of Fruit in Little Alchemy 2 step-by-step.
- Water and water combine to form a Puddle.
- Fire and fire release Energy.
- Earth and Earth make Land.
- Puddles and water make a Pond.
- Earth and Land make a Continent.
- Pond and water make a lake.
- Continent and Continent make a Planet.
- Air and Planet make an Atmosphere.
- Fire and Planets make the Sun.
- Lake and water make Sea.
- The atmosphere and water make clouds.
- Earth and Sea make Primordial Soup.
- Sun and water make a Rainbow.
- Cloud and water make Rain.
- Energy and primordial soup make Life.
- Earth and Life make Soil.
- Plant and Rainbow make Flower
- Flowers and water make Fruit.
What Can You Make With Fruit In Little Alchemy 2
There are many things that you can make with Fruit in this game. They are as follows:
- Fruit Combined with alcohol makes wine.
- Fruit Combined with bacteria makes mold.
- Fruit Combined with baker makes pie.
- Fruit Combined with bakery makes pie.
- Fruit Combined with the beach makes coconut.
- Fruit Combined with a blender makes a smoothie.
- Fruit Combined with cold makes a smoothie.
- Fruit Combined with cookie dough makes pie.
- Fruit Combined with Deity makes Dionysus.
- Fruit Combined with dough makes pie.
- Fruit Combined with Earth makes juice.
- Fruit Combined with energy makes sugar.
- Fruit, Combined with evil, makes the Apple of Discord.
- Fruit Combined with explosion makes juice.
- Fruit Combined with fire makes sugar.
- Fruit Combined with heat makes jam.
- Fruit Combined with humans makes cook.
- Fruit Combined with ice makes a smoothie.
- Fruit Combined with immortality makes Peach of Immortality.
- Fruit Combined with juice makes jam.
- Fruit Combined with machine makes jam.
- Fruit Combined with monkey makes banana.
- Fruit Combined with newspaper makes a recipe.
- Fruit Combined with palm makes coconut.
- Fruit Combined with paper makes a recipe.
- Fruit Combined with plants makes a fruit tree.
- Fruit Combined with pressure makes juice.
- Fruit Combined with rock makes juice.
- Fruit Combined with stone makes juice.
- Fruit Combined with Sun makes alcohol.
- Fruit, Combined with time, makes mold.
- Fruit Combined with Tree makes a fruit tree.
- Fruit Combined with water makes juice.
- Fruit Combined with wheat makes alcohol.
- Fruit Combined with wood creates a fruit tree.
Recommended readings:
- How to make thread in little alchemy 2
- How to make wood in little alchemy 2
- How to make evil in little alchemy 2
- How to make bee in little alchemy 2
- How to make garden in little alchemy 2
Final Verdict:
Here is everything you need to know about making Fruit in Little Alchemy 2. Fruit is one of the essential things in real Life. However, a few steps are involved if you want to get it in Little Alchemy 2.
I have given you a complete step-by-step guide on how to make Fruit in this game. I hope that you find it helpful.