How To Make Pollen In Little Alchemy 2?

Cover of How To Make Pollen In Little Alchemy 2

Pollen is another exciting creation we would want to create, in contrast to every other Element we have been allowed to generate in Little Alchemy 2.

I assume you are familiar with what Pollen is. Pollen is simply the method by which plants reproduce; their reproduction process is called Pollination.

Without plants and trees, our planet wouldn’t be so green; hence, Pollination is an essential process for plants, trees, and animals.

By regulating plant pollination, you may further safeguard the planet. You may also increase the number of plants globally and save our ecosystem.

But keep in mind, when inhaled, pollen is harmful to one’s health because they can influence and result in severe lung issues like asthma. Please put on your proper safety equipment as we enter Little Alchemy 2’s laboratory to make Pollen.

Before I go any further, I want to let you know that Plants and Dust are the two main components of Pollen. So, if you have them, you can quickly produce Pollen by combining them; if not, follow my instructions as I outline how to create Pollen.

How To Make Pollen In Little Alchemy 2?

Step 1: Create a plant

We need plants to make Pollination happen because the entire process occurs between plants. To obtain Pollen, Little Alchemy 2 needs the Plant element.

This may also be the guide’s most challenging section today because Plant calls for some complex combinations.

But don’t worry; we’ll make everything very simple for you and walk you through it. Through the process, you will also earn the Life element, one of the essential aspects in Little Alchemy 2.

However, you can create your Plant by doing the following:

  • Water + Water = Puddle
  • Puddle + Water = Pond
  • Pond + Water = Lake
  • Lake + Water = Sea
  • Sea + Earth = Primordial Soup
  • Fire + Fire = Energy
  • Primordial Soup + Energy = Life
  • Earth + Earth = Land
  • Land + Earth = Continent
  • Continent + Continent = Planet
  • Planet + Air = Atmosphere
  • Atmosphere + Water = Cloud
  • Cloud + Water = Rain
  • Earth + Life = Soil
  • Rain + Soil = Plant

Now that we have a plant, the next concern is moving Pollen from a male plant to a female one. Well, I got that covered, so hang on.

Step 2: Create dust

The Dust Element is the next required, as was earlier said. As you are aware, pollens are dust-like particles; hence obtaining the Dust element is needed.

  • Air + Earth = Dust

Step 3: Create Pollen

Talking of which, we have only one more step to do before obtaining Pollen. That is, because we have both of the essential components needed to acquire Pollen, we shouldn’t keep you waiting any longer. And now, let’s get started!

  • Dust + Plant = Pollen

Other ways to produce Pollen:

In Little Alchemy 2, we’ve already covered key techniques for making Pollen. In this section, I’ll go into pollen can also be acquired in Little Alchemy through other methods. Let’s continue reading.

  • Dust + Flower = Pollen

However, we already mentioned how wind also spreads Pollen. As a result, you can do the following to obtain Pollen by

  • Flower + Wind = Pollen
  • Plant + Wind = Pollen

Here is a quick walkthrough for you about forming Pollen in little Alchemy 2:

  • water + water = puddle

Little Alchemy 2 made sure that we remember its importance. The game offers a lot of combinations. Please be aware that some varieties require buying more resources and packs for Little Alchemy 2.

  • air + earth = dust
  • earth + earth = land
  • fire + fire = energy
  • earth + land = continent
  • puddle + water = pond
  • continent + continent = planet
  • pond + water = lake
  • air + planet = atmosphere
  • lake + water = sea
  • atmosphere + water = cloud
  • earth + sea = primordial soup
  • cloud + water = rain
  • energy + primordial soup = life
  • earth + life = soil
  • rain + soil = plant
  • dust + plant = pollen
  • Plant + Night = Carbon Dioxide.
  • Plant + Carbon Dioxide = Oxygenase.
  • Plant + Sun = Oxygen & Sunflower; & Plant + Sun: Sunflower.
  • Plant + Dawn = Dew.
  • Land + Wind = Pollen.

All the combinations to produce Pollen is mentioned in this article. I hope the entire procedure was enjoyable for you.

What Is The Fastest Way To Make Pollen In Little Alchemy 2?

The fastest way to produce Pollen is to make multiple combinations and discover more elements to have the final Element, which is Pollen.

Pollen Formula In Little Alchemy 2
  • earth + water = mud
  • 2x air = pressure
  • earth + pressure = stone
  • mud + stone = clay
  • 2x earth = land
  • earth + land = continent
  • 2x continent = planet
  • planet + air = atmosphere
  • atmosphere + water = cloud
  • 2x fire = energy
  • cloud + energy = lightning
  • 2x water = puddle
  • puddle + water = pond
  • pond + water = lake
  • lake + water = sea
  • lightning + sea = life
  • life + clay = human
  • planet + fire = sun
  • sun + energy = solar cell
  • sun + solar cell = electricity
  • air + energy = heat
  • air + stone = sand
  • heat + sand = glass
  • glass + electricity = light bulb
  • light bulb + human = idea
  • idea + human = alchemist
  • land + life = animal
  • animal + land = horse
  • horse + water = seahorse
  • alchemist + seahorse = small
  • 2x stone = wall
  • 2x wall = house
  • alchemist + house = container
  • atmosphere + sun = sky
  • sky + animal = bird
  • bird + house = nest
  • container + nest = tree
  • small + tree = plant
  • 2x planet = solar system
  • 2x solar system = galaxy
  • 2x galaxy = galaxy cluster
  • 2x galaxy cluster = universe
  • universe + human = scientist
  • 2x cloud = storm
  • 2x storm = tornado
  • tornado + scientist = motion
  • atmosphere + motion = wind
  • plant + wind = pollen

What Can You Make With Pollen In Little Alchemy 2?

The best thing about Little Alchemy 2 is there is no end. Furthermore, you might focus on acquiring more unknown elements after finally obtaining a new element. You might think of your adventure as endless, much like the real world.

And now, to collect even more elements, we will use the Pollen. Although we might not be able to obtain dozens of elements using it, we will still get some pretty exciting elements.

  • Pollen + Bee = Seed
  • Pollen + Human = Allergy
  • Pollen + Plant = Seed

Hence, the next thing is what lies ahead of your adventure. You can now use these new elements to obtain even more elements.

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Final Verdict:

If you want to create more beautiful elements in Little Alchemy 2 besides Pollen, you need to buy the content packs that allow access to other elements that aren’t available.

For example, the ‘Myths and Monsters’ content pack offers components like Deity, Evil, Immortality, etc. Feel free to experiment since The Little Alchemy 2 has a lot of hidden mysteries.

Little Alchemy gives students an exciting chance to gradually explore more complex programmed combinations and propose their own “creative combinations.” It promotes completion, logical reasoning, and creativity.

Muhammad Hamza
Muhammad Hamza

Enthusiastic about gaming and PC hardware, he found his gateway to the gaming world when he was young and first experienced the open world of Grand Theft Auto. Since then he has developed a strong love for gaming.

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