FnF RP, or Friday night funk roleplay, is a Roblox disco music video game that puts people against each other in a singing/rap/dance battle.
It is a fun time for everyone. Just blasting and dancing to your favorite tunes. And by doing so, you can earn various badges. Bob badge is one of them.
Why is Bob’s badge so so special? Bob’s badge is kind of a showoff achievement, having a bob badge means you are playing this game for some time, like you are a veteran or something.
Shows how devoted you are to this game. So there is some kind of superior sentiment attached to it. But how do you even get a bob badge?
This is the real question that I should be answering, and I will, in this very guide. Let us see what steps you can take to acquire the Bob Badge in FNF Rp.
What Is Bob Badge In Friday Night Funk Roleplay?
Bob’s badge is one of a kind medal of achievement for players. It’s like a reward to show off how much of a great player you are. A true FNF RP maestro. It is a game of singing and dancing, so you should be pretty great at it if you want to show off your shiny new badge.

And for new players, it is not very hard to obtain. The process is very straightforward, and once you have the Bob badge in your hands, you will receive benefits all of this will be added to game achievements which have a big influence on your high score.
How To Get The Bob Badge In Fnf Rp?
Now on to the real question of this topic. How to acquire Bob’s badge in FNF RP so you can have a superior sense of individuality among other players.
Bob’s badge is one of the game’s secret badges and probably the most sought one too. Do you need to participate in rap battles and singing competitions without a bob badge? I don’t think so.
You can obtain a bob badge by following the simple tasks that I am about to mention below. Easy method and quick too.
Launch your game and wait for it to load you in the lobby. Only from there you can access the corn farm, where you will find your secret bob badge. Teleport to the corn farm by entering the first building on the farm.
Once you are joined, follow the trail on the floor that is leading you toward the barn. Right when you reach the barn, you will notice a structure on your right. At that point, turn left and move in that direction. You will notice that you are reaching the end of the farm.
Finally, at your destination, notice there will be a small indication of downloading something. That indication is hinting towards the download of the flower.
That flower can be found behind the rock structure. Download it and walk again through the lobby but this time, walk through the path of bob badge. Click on the button, and you will be turned into a dark character, Bob, the evil god of death.

Now you have to kill at least 3 enemies to complete the bob badge. You will get the bob badge at the end of your task. You are now playing as a bob in FNF RP. if you use this will silver skill, you will have higher winning chances and more money rewards.
It is a perfect symbol to show off to other players that you are not something to be messed with and you are actually an active player of this game’s community, so they can trust you and cooperate with you with no questions asked.
Final Verdict:
Roblox is such a creative platform that allows players to unleash their 3D game creation skills, and as a result, we get such gems as this game. A remake of the original Friday night funk.
It is a great game and a definite fun time with your friends. Singing, dancing, furious rap battles. It’s a blast, and now you know how to get the bob badge.
You can unleash your full power on the dance floor and show everyone who the boss is. You are now worthy of FnF RP.
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